Tuesday, September 30, 2008

All I'm Askin is for a Little Organization

That's it. I really don't think it's too much to ask, but I could be wrong. Last week, the Institute called to offer me another class - MWF from 8:20 to 9:50 at night. Rock on, I'll take it. So I'm told to come pick up my books/materials for the class, which should include a roll book, etc. I go last Friday and am told the roll book isn't quite ready yet (what? the class starts Monday) - so I must come back on Monday. Oooook fine. Oh, by the way... turns out this class has technically already started. There have been 2 class sessions already, taught by 2 different fill-in professors while they were trying to find someone permanent. So in addition to coming to pick up the roll book on Monday, I am also expecting them to hand me a list of what has already been done the first 2 classes. Here's pretty much how that went when I went to the Institute on Monday:

Me: Hi, I'm here to pick up the roll book and list of material already covered for this class (handing the secretary a piece of paper).

Secretary (frowning): Hmmmm, yeahhhhh... see, the thing is, we have to track down the first 2 professors and ask them what they've already covered. You'll have to come back later.

Me: But this class starts tonight. What am I supposed to do with them?

Secretary: Yeahhhhhh umm.. I think they probably covered the first 2 pages last time.

Me: [silence]

*** crickets ***

Secretary: Hmmm, let me try to call someone.... (I wait). Oops, they didn't answer their phone. You'll just have to ask the students what they did last class.

Good grief, people. Honestly? Is it really that hard to get your crap together and organize a class? I ended up going to the class and trying to get the students to tell me what they did before. And then there's the old reliable "2 Truths and a Lie", which we played for a few rounds. About 20 minutes into the class, one of the secretaries knocks on the door and hands me a piece of paper - on it was the God-awful handwriting of someone who I suppose was the previous teacher for the class, attempting to communicate to me in one horribly written sentence what had been covered last time. I glanced at it, decided there was no way I was going to decipher it, and continued with my own thing.

After class was over and I was walking to the metro, a pigeon flew over my head, and for a brief second I almost hoped it would poop on my head - and that something equally as cool as what happened to Kyle would happen to me. Then I realized I really didn't feel like cleaning poop off my head. I would still like something good and unexpected to happen to me, though. :)


Mamacita Chilena said...

Hahaha, what can I say, that was a very special moment for me :P

And get used to the disorganization because that is the way EVERYTHING here works!!!

Sara said...

My institutes are the same. If they same they will call or email me about a class it means " Three hours before the class you will realize that we forgot and you will have to come running down here to pick up an directions, an address, or materials."

I'm going to Basic Bar on Thursday. Look for me there. I am going to try to organzie a little ex-pat group. I think I will have one Chilean with me, if the thought of a roomful of gringos doesn't freak him out.

Shannon. said...

I don't understand at all why people are so unorganized! My job is actually organized which surprises me, but most of the time I end up doing shit that the office manager pawns off on me...he usually sits around chatting to his gay friends on messenger. And thats when things get unorganized I have so much stuff to do on top of what I am supposed to do that I don't know where to start and when I do, I guess I do the wrong thing and "need to learn how to prioritize"
I heard about the thing at the Basic Bar, please help me talk Rodrigo into letting me go, he said its in a "dangerous" area.

Isabel said...

oooooh man. I have a similar story from said institute about my new class! blehh, see you in a few hours!

Shannon. said...
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Shannon. said...

Ok, so how are you getting home?? are you just staying for a little bit? Rodrigo is worried that we wont be able to take the metro because it will be late, are you planning on staying late?