Friday, September 5, 2008

Sopa Para Uno, Warmy, and Advanced Screenings

Man am I bored. I´ve been sitting at home all day (home right now = D´s house), because a) when I got out of bed this morning it was so frickin cold that it didnt give me ganas to do anything, and b) i´ve been hoping the English institute I went to yesterday would call me like they said they would. So, what have I been doing all day? A whole lot of not much, basically. I keep coming upon gringa-in-Chile blogs, and I find them terribly interesting as I am a fellow gringa in Chile, so I´ve been doing a lot of reading of those today. I pulled the little estufa, cleverly named ¨Warmy¨(I didn´t name it that, it says it on the space heater, I swear), out of D´s parents´room, and have been bundled up next to that reading blogs and eating Sopa Para Uno. I went downstairs earlier to get some, and was searching through the cabinets, wondering what delightful flavor I might encounter. I kept pulling out packet after packet of jugo, until I finally found 2 packs of soup... ¨well, looks like my choices are Choclo, or... Choclo.¨I´ll let you guess which one I chose.

Switching gears, last night was a ton of fun. D´s dad works for an advertising agency, and one of their accounts is CineMark. As such, from time to time he gets free movie passes. When D told me yesterday that his dad had movie passes for all of us that night, I thought, "oh, cool." But, oh no... MORE than cool. I was getting ready to go when I saw D pulling out a black tie from his closet. ¨What the...¨ I thought. I asked him what the deal was. Apparently we were supposed to dress up a bit, because this was an advanced screening of some movie, complete with a cocktail beforehand. So I put on a little makeup, the only pair of nice-looking boots I have, and pulled my hair back. Off we went to some mall in Las Condes (not Parque Arauco, another one I can´t remember the name of). I was starving because there wasn´t time to eat dinner before we went... and as luck would have it, the good Lord shined his face on us and there were waiters circulating with vino tinto, vino blanco (my favorite), some kind of raspberry drink, jugo natural, and Coke. And then there were little sandwiches, crackers, about 5 different kinds of cheese, and then to round it all out, chocolates. D´s brother made my day by telling me I looked like Julia Roberts. HA. The funniest thing was all the ¨pelo lice¨staring at him - D´s brother is really tall, cute, and looks kind of rock star-ish. Then it was on to the movie itself. The movie was a Mexican film, called La Misma Luna. I actually enjoyed it a lot, and was glad I understood most of the Spanish parts. I was surprisingly exhausted when we got home, and thankful that I didn´t have to get up early today. A very nice evening, overall. :)

1 comment:

Sara said...

I love how when you wake up you can see your breath. Nothing like early morning hypothermia to get you up and at it!