Thursday, September 11, 2008

Random Musings

1. You know those posters in the metro that say "En el metro siempre nace nuestro lado amable¨? To that, I only have one thing to say: Wishful thinking, party of one.

2. I almost offered some of my ¨Nuts for Nuts¨ to el tipo that makes sure people stay behind the yellow line in the metro stations. I don´t really know why... come to think of it, he didn´t even look particularly buena onda.

3. Yesterday was ridiculous. I left the Instituto at 5:30 (could I have picked a worse time?) and of course, it was pouring down raining. I waited for 3 trains to pass before I finally managed to squeeze onto the metro at Baquedano. But while waiting, I felt like I was being violated by the lady pressed up against my back. I was also about to have to fight her because she was about to push me onto the tracks. Hey, I don´t particularly want to be electrocuted today, thanks anyway.

4. My thought process today while in Paris, Ripley, and Falabella looking for some pants suitable for work - ¨Hmmm, that looks cute... [searching through the sizes]... ok, nevermind." Two minutes later... ¨Oooooh, I really like these! [pull them out and hold them up to me]... yeahhhhhh, these are going to be way too long.¨ And so it continues. Seems like the chances of me finding a pair of dress pants here that fit me are about as good as the chances of Chile winning the World Cup. O sea, not good.

5. Choripan + whatever flavor of Cristal we had last night = win. I´m normally not a fan of Cristal, but D picked a good flavor last night.

6. While sitting at Starbucks today (I know, I know), I realized my cell phone was still in my bag and I should probably take it out in case anyone calls. Upon opening it, I am told I have 11 missed calls. ELEVEN. And the best part is, I think they were all from the Instituto, wanting to offer me more classes to teach (thankfully, I finally got to my phone in time when they called, and now I have more hours! Woohoooooo!).

More to come later...

1 comment:

Shannon. said...

You got a job?? Where? How is it??
What are you doing this weekend?? Ro is going to MIA this Saturday, so I am going to BORED! plus we do have a bottle of Malibu to drink!!! Talk to you later!!