Friday, December 5, 2008

Carnet! And Other Assorted Randomness

After running around the lovely city of Santiago, I am now DONE with all my tramites, thank the Lord. The adventure started on Wednesday, when I had to go to El Centro to get my visa stamped into my passport. Miraculously, I only had to wait 45 minutes and it was done. Score. Yesterday, I went to the Policìa Internacional, conveniently located (note the sarcasm) on Calle Borgoño. I´m sorry, what? Where is this street I have never heard of? Luckily, I got D to go with me, so that made it a lot better. It was actually kind of a fun day, because we took some time to walk around the markets over there (near metro Puente Cal y Canto), and walked through the Mercado Central. We didn´t stop and eat lunch at one of the many restaurants, but we did swing by and get an empanada with queso y camarones. Yummy! At the Policìa Internacional, I only had to wait 2 hours to get my Certificado de Registro. Aaaaaand the final step today, I went to the Registro Civil (I think that´s it, I´ve been to so many places lately I´ve lost count) to get my Carnet. The good thing about this step is that the Registro Civil has many different locations, so I was able to go to one in Ñuñoa that is only about 10 minutes from my house. Again, I only had to wait about 45 minutes! The guy who helped me was super nice, too... he put all of my information into the computer, which assigned me a R.U.T. (finally!), took my picture (I think it turned out pretty well, miraculously!), and then put a crap ton of ink on every single finger. I mean, is that really necessary? But whatever, he gave me some lotion afterward to clean it off so it wasn´t really that bad. And now I´m done! So I just have to wait about 2 weeks and I can go pick up my Carnet. Let me tell you, it´s such a relief to have all this mess done. And.. knock on wood... this whole process has been incredibly smooth, which is surprising. :)

In other news, I met a teacher at the Institute the other day, and one of the first things she asked me was, ¨Where are you from?¨ Now, up until this point, she had been really friendly, so I wasn´t prepared for what was coming. I replied, ¨North Carolina¨, and she responded by smiling and saying, ¨Awww, that´s cute ... I´m from Chicago.¨ Hold on just a minute now... CUTE? The fact that I´m from North Carolina is cute? You may think I´m exaggerating or reading too much into things, but believe me, the way she said it (and the words themselves) were a bit condescending. It was as if she was saying, ¨Ohhhh, North Carolina... well fancy that, what´s a little country girl like you doing in a big city like this? I´m from CHICAGO.¨ I mean, give me a break. Sorry if I´m a little sensitive about this subject, but that´s one of my pet peeves. I can´t STAND it when people think they´re better than me just because they´re from a big city.

Alright, enough ranting. Have a good weekend everybody!


Abby said...

Oh my gosh I totally know how you feel! A lot of times when I say I'm from Vermont either people don't know where it is, or they say something totally snobby like "Oh, my family has a ski cabin in Stowe" or "We summer in Woodstock."

Shannon. said...

dont you love the giant amount of ink they put on your fingers!!

Mamacita Chilena said...

"I only had to wait 2 hours to get my Certificado de Registro."

HAHA, you have been brainwashed by the Chilean culture that teaches you "only" waiting 2 hours or 45 minutes is a efficient and fast. :P

Jessica said...

Abby - isn´t that so annoying?!

Shannon - yeah, that mess was gross. looked like they were putting tar on my fingers.

Kyle - Ha, I thought about that after I typed it and realized, crap... I´ve been sucked in to the culture of inefficiency! ;)