Friday, November 28, 2008

Decisions, Decisions

So much crazy stuff has happened recently and unfortunately, I have to be vague about it on here. But let´s just say I have some very important decisions coming up... some very HARD decisions, that could change life drastically. I feel a huge knot in my stomach right now... more like butterflies actually, that I am utterly incapable of controlling. My thoughts are tumbling through my head at a million miles an hour. Pros and cons wage war against each other, and I´m left only with a confused, empty feeling. Strangely enough, though, throughout all of this, there is one thought that permeates everything: I love Chile, with every fiber of my being. Yes, some days I feel angry and frustrated, just wanting to leave and never come back. But those days are few in comparison with the days when I look around and know with conviction that a piece of my heart will always remain in Chile. That with each day that passes, my existence is woven more and more intricately with the strands of this country. I honestly thank God for the opportunity to spend even a small portion of my life here. More on that soon, when I have a chance to collect my thoughts a little more...


lydia said...

uh oh. i hope everythings alright- i wish you luck and a clear mind!

Shannon. said...

Dont you hate when you mind is fighting itself???
I hope everything goes good whatever is going on!!

Abby said...

good luck with everything!! i know that butterfly's not so fun. it's good to know that you love Chile though :)

Sara said...

I've been going through something similar things, so I understand. I hope everything goes better for you!