Friday, November 21, 2008

Stop Blushing!

Memo to my cheeks: it´s not necessary to get THAT red, really. Especially over the most random things. Seriously, let´s stop this now before it gets more out of control, ok? Thanks.

I´m not kidding, people. I don´t know what my deal has been lately, but I seem to blush at the stupidest things. And I´m talking resembling-a-tomato red. It´s quite embarrassing, really. Case in point: yesterday I was at the Institute, sitting in the cafeteria and basically just killing time before my next class. Up walks a fellow newbie teacher, of the southern U.S. male variety. Good-looking, yes, but I´m taken and that´s really beside the point anyway. So he sits down at my table, we´re talking about our classes, and he asks me about how the final oral exam is supposed to work. The conversation goes a little something like this, as best I remember:

Southern US Male: So what´s the deal with the Final Oral Exam, anyway?

Me: Well, I had to do that the other day, and we´re supposed to switch teachers for it. I actually got really lucky with mine.

SUSM: How so?

Me: The class I had to take over was ridiculously small, so I only had to give the oral for one dude.

Me: (realizing what I just said) That didn´t sound right, did it?

Me again: (starting to blush really hard) Crap. I didn´t mean it like that. I swear I don´t have a dirty mind.

SUSM: Bwahahahahaha, you bad girl, you. Man, you´re blushing really hard.

Me: I know. Crap. I don´t know what my deal is.

Note: I swear people, my mind really isn´t in the gutter. It´s not like that.

1 comment:

Shannon. said...

Ahh How embarrassing!! Don't worry I say the stupidest things alllll the time!! I think I trained my mind to not let my face blush!