Sunday, August 10, 2008

Queda Poquisimo!!

Uuuuuuuuy quedan como 3 días y estoy tan emocionada! Y esta noche el Diego me dijo las palabras mágicas: "queda poco invierno"!

Wow, I can't believe I'm flying back to Santiago on Tuesday... it seems like just yesterday that it was April and I was thinking that this day would never come! But the time flew by (well, at some points), and here we are. I also can't believe I haven't written a blog entry in almost a month.. shame on me. But in my defense, I've been busy. Haven't we all, though? Anyway, here's something really cool: D's dad likes to paint, and several of his paintings are hanging in D's house... they're really abstract, but I like them. I'm absolutely in love with the colors in this one that he painted. But anyway, tonight D told me that his dad had painted one especially for me, to put in my apartment in Santiago (assuming I can find one!). I thought that was really, really sweet. Allow me to get cheesy for a moment and say that I feel incredibly blessed. I have a wonderful, supportive family here in the States (and a beautiful new nephew that I'm really sad to leave), and I also have a great Chilean family. D's parents really are pretty awesome. They NEVER let me sleep on the couch when I'm staying with them... even when I insist, "hey, seriously it's ok.. I'll be comfy on the couch", they still make me take one of their beds. :) Sweet, sweet people. So anyway, I'm really grateful for them because they always make me feel at home when I'm in Santiago.

I really want to write another entry about one of my favorite places on earth: Chapel Hill, North Carolina (aka "Blue Heaven"), but that's going to have to wait until tomorrow. For now, I think I'm going to try to sleep and not freak out about the fact that I haven't really packed yet.


Shannon. said...

Don't you just love waiting til the last second to pack? I always do it and every time I tell myself, next time I will start packing sooner.
I'm so happy for you that you get to be back with your love.
I have to go back to the US on October 30th, and Ro will stay here until everything with his visa is figured out. I really hope I will not be waiting for forever.
I hope you have a good flight/s!!

Valentina said...

wowwwwwwwww!! are you excited?? haha

how long are you going to stay here??

if you´re looking for an apartment i think will be for a long time...right?

i hope you have a good flight!!

oh..and about winter.. we are going to have sunny days soon!! actually..this tuesday..will be one of those days.....