Tuesday, August 19, 2008


That´s pretty much the stage I find myself in right now. From something so small as waiting for D to get back from running an errand right now, to waiting on my interview (and finding a job in general), to waiting on finding an apartment. Sometimes I think my personality is a bit ironic, because I get so impatient when sitting in a traffic jam... yet I find I have patience for the bigger, more important things in life such as waiting on a job or an apartment. Either way, this is the period of my life right now. It´s been almost a week since I´ve arrived back in Santiago, so I´ve been through the whole excitement of seeing D´s family and friends I haven´t seen in awhile.. and most importantly D himself, who I hadn´t seen in 5 months! Talk about waiting! Anyway, I just really want some stability in my life - a job, a place to live that is my own space, and a routine. Don´t get me wrong, I like to have my routine interrupted a veces for an impromptu party or trip to the beach or what have you, but for the most part I like stability and structure. So, here´s to me finding a job soon! Oh, and thank you to Shannon and Ro for hosting me and D at their house! We had such a great time we´re already planning on doing it again this coming weekend. :)


Shannon. said...

I can't believe I almost finished that book!!
So, Ro and his dad looked into the whole civil marriage thing and came up with two choices.
1. We can get married this Saturday at Ro's friend's house in a different county,
2. We can wait until November and get married in our county.
Since we can't wait until November, we had to take this Saturday. Hopefully we will still be able to come to your place, that is if Ro's family doesn't insist that we have a party to celebrate. If that happens of course you guys and whoever you want is invited to our house. I hope we can get together though with which ever happens.

Shannon. said...

I don't know what we are going to do. We don't have anything planned. I kind of think I should be partying my last single night away....SCARY. My last single night. You guys should totally come to our house on Saturday, according to Ro there are going to be lots of people there. Which to me means...boring. What are you doing Friday night?? Do you want to hang out??

Shannon. said...

Well...Saturday fell through. We didn´t know that we needed a government interpreter and thought we would be fine using a mutual friend. And the government has 2, just 2 people working as that and they only work monday through friday. So we ahve everything set up now, (paying some joke from the government $80!!!!!) and we are doing it on September 2nd. We are still having a party because Ro already invited the world, so you are totally welcome to come. I wish I could come hang out with you guys tomorrow, but I have a date with the telephone. When my check card was stolen i filed a claim against it and LOST!!! My bank is taking the money that was stolen!!! JERKS!! So I will be on the phone yelling and bitching until I get my money. And then after that Ro and I are going to talk to our lawyer about suing the jewelry store that allowed some random person to use my card!!! And then we will have money to buy wedding rings :D hahah Hopefully after that I will be DONE dealing with the card companies! AMEX gave me the money, no questions back!! But Wellsfargo, NO!!
Whenever you want to come on Saturday after 8pm is fine. I finished that book, so whenever you finish the one you have, if you are interested you can take the second one. I have the thrid and forth one on the way,they are in Sausalito CA my boss lady is bringing them for my on the 16 of Sept. Anyways long comment!! Talk to you soon!!