Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I Can Finally Roll My R's!!! (And other good news)

Wow, where to begin. It's been an interesting (read: mostly good) day. Monday was a pretty sub-par day at work, yesterday was better, and today was still better. I'm liking this pattern! But not naive enough to think it will continue, with tomorrow being even better than today. :P Nonetheless, it was good. And yes, I discovered that at long last, I can FINALLY roll my R's!! This is a loooooong time coming, believe me. I'm 24 years old. The first time I remember having Spanish class was in elementary school, in 1st grade. I'm sure I retained little to nothing from that class, haha... but it was fun anyway. All I remember is that my teacher had this policy that when we played games or did activities or whatever, we could earn "Muy Bien" cards. Then, when we'd saved up a certain amount of Muy Bien cards, we could cash them in for a prize. 5 would buy you some candy, 10 something else a little more cool, and if you saved up enough... you could get a REALLY cool prize. But that took self-discipline, something I didn't have a lot of back then (and something I'm still working on to this day). Anyway, that's about all I remember from that class. Then I didn't take Spanish again until high school, and took 3 years of that, then 1 semester in college. Then I spent 2 months in Salamanca, Spain and a total of 7 months in Chile (broken up over a period of about a year and a half). Over that time, I've NEVER been able to roll my r's. Which has always frustrated me so much - and especially now, dating a native Spanish speaker who is BORN being able to roll his r's, it's doubly frustrating. So then today I'm driving home from work, and just practicing in my car (Lord knows why, I must've been bored sitting in traffic). And suddenly, it just HAPPENED. I could do it! Who knows what happened, but it finally just clicked. Anyway, needless to say, I was stoked. D used to tease me and say, "Di Carolina Herrera" and I never could! But now I can :P

In other news, my sister-in-law is due on July 4th, but the baby is still in the breach position, so her doctors went ahead and scheduled her for a C-section... and which day?? June 26, none other than D's birthday!! Haha, he thought that was so cool when I told him the baby would be born on his birthday :) (Assuming he doesn't decide to make an early appearance!).

In other not-so-good news, I just spent 48 minutes on the phone with my credit card company, all because I'm having trouble accessing my account online (I've never had problems with it before, until just recently). I got transferred 3 times and put on hold SEVEN times. At least the guy I talked to was nice... and he apologized profusely for all the trouble I've had, and the delay. Oh well, if the problem gets fixed, those 48 minutes were worth it. I mainly just spent my time on hold watching the Stanley Cup final game and talking to D, anyway. ;) Alright, this blog entry is getting entirely too long, and if anyone has actually read this far - wow. I'm impressed. Good night all!


Valentina said...

its not necessary, but if you want to do it will be better...
everything that helps to prove "things" about why he is going to go there, and WHERE he is going to stay...are useful



Valentina said...

oopss.. congrats for your R!
