Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I Need A Job

Basically, this post is gonna be pretty short since it's 12:10 and I'm dog-tired. I've mentioned in previous posts that I'm thinking of moving back to Santiago in a few months. Right now I'm looking at moving back probably at the beginning of August, so this means I need a job! I'd be cool with anything pretty much, so I guess I'm hoping some of you girls I've talked to might have some leads/ideas for me, or anyone else who might come across this blog randomly. Please help! It's kind of stressing me out right now, and it's definitely stressing D out, and that's not good! Any ideas or contacts you have would be appreciated, thanks a bunch! :)


Mamacita Chilena said...

The best way to do it is to just get here and start searching. I'd say finding a job online before you're in the country is next to impossible!

If I hear of anything I'll let you know, but your best bet is just come to the country and if you're down for anything you'll most likely be able to find a teaching English job pretty quickly.

Good luck!

Jessica said...

^ thanks Kyle! that does seem like my best bet, so hopefully once I get back down there, there will be something open! :)

Emily said...

Yup, finding a job from the US is pretty much impossible, so I'd say don't waste your time stressing about it. Finding a non-English teaching job can be hard, depending on what you studied and what you want to do, but stick with it, and something will work out. Good luck!